As we age, our skin will also lose its elasticity, and over time it stretches, resulting in a loss of facial volume. Many things can wreak havoc on your face, including sun damage, smoking, unhealthy eating habits, poor skincare techniques, and caffeine. Dermal fillers are the ideal solution to help … Read the rest
For most people, acne can be a real nuisance. This is expected at puberty, but many of us experience acne even as adults.
Acne comes in many forms, from acne cysts to blackheads, whiteheads; some people are really bad, some of us are lucky to just experience a few outbreaks … Read the rest
There is a wide selection of botanical skin care products on the market today. If you have ever searched for these products at your local department or health food store, you will have noticed that the ingredients found in these formulas are added to skin cleansers, moisturizers, and toners. Starting … Read the rest